Friday, March 27, 2009

How Many Times Can I Use the Word "Flash"?

So here’s an interesting news flash: I saw a new doctor the other week, and she tells me I may not be in menopause after all. Yeah, the hot flashes, sleeplessness, and all of the other delightful symptoms may have been perimenopause. I’m fine with that except that two years ago, I spent a lot of money on a Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) test that said I was in the throes of “the change.” Now, this new doc says that maybe it was just that particular month that my hormone levels indicated I was in menopause. They fluctuate, ya know….

I’m not happy about this. I stopped having hot flashes every day, a million times a day several months ago. Now they’re occasional – sometimes I have several flashes a day. Some days I "flash" once or twice. Sometimes I go days without any flashing.

I’m no expert on menopause, which is why I write this blog (when I get around to it, that is). The thing is, I keep thinking I’ve figured it out, and then I discover something like this. Next week, I’ll spend another sum of money on anotherFSH test to see if I’m in menopause. But here’s the thing, if the test indicates I am menopausal, how do I know it’s not just another reading from another particular month? I can hardly wait to find out.

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I am a public relations and marketing communications consultant with more than 20 years of experience. I love working with clients who are passionate about the services or products they provide their customers. I take my work seriously, but my sense of humor keeps me from letting life get in the way of my perspective and ability to create. My latest mantra: I'm a work in progress.

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