Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Last month, I hit the half-way point with my braces. I don’t want to get my hopes up that I will actually be freed of these metal encumbrances on my teeth by the end of October, 2008, but I really, really want these suckers off! I’m supposed to wear my rubber band all the darn time, but I fear that I’m in for another root canal – my second since I got braces. The horrible pain that shoots from my gums up into my eye socket might be a clue. The rubber band seems to intensify the pain. I know my orthodontist is going to lecture me about wearing my rubber bands. She’s a great doctor, and I know I’m in good hands, but a) Unlike many of her other patients, whose parents or insurance companies are covering the cost of orthodontia, I’m the one financing this wretched torture that is supposed to result in healthy teeth and a winning smile and b) I’m not a teenager! I’m a menopausal woman, whose cheery disposition is in hibernation until I’m either finished with tthese dreadful "sudden sweats", or these damn braces come off!

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I am a public relations and marketing communications consultant with more than 20 years of experience. I love working with clients who are passionate about the services or products they provide their customers. I take my work seriously, but my sense of humor keeps me from letting life get in the way of my perspective and ability to create. My latest mantra: I'm a work in progress.

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