Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Best Friend's Daughter's Wedding

Some days, I can’t believe I’m 50. Memories from my childhood and adolescence seem so recent. I look at them as these isolated episodes, and I think it wasn’t that long ago they occurred. Then I see the many other memories piled on top of them, and I’m amazed. When I was in the fourth grade, I remember telling my brother Rory that time seemed to be moving a lot faster. A few years older than I, he said, “Just wait. The older you get, the faster the time will move.” Whenever I sense time zipping past me, I think of him saying that.

Late last month, I attended the wedding of Kate, the oldest daughter of my friend Peggy. Peggy is one of two friends I’ve known since I was four. The youngest of seven, Peggy grew up in my neighborhood. We went to school together from first grade until sixth, and then we went through high-school together.

I have seen many brides look like they’re in costume at their weddings. Kate was in no costume. From the time Kate entered the world, she hasn’t been one to fuss much over makeup, hair and other girlie stuff, but on her wedding day, she truly was a vision of beauty. Her hair was swept up. Her makeup was perfectly understated, and her dress was stunning on her. She was in her element.

As Kate walked down the aisle, I watched Peggy’s expression. It was full of such love and pride. The reception was a blur of hugging, kissing, and best wish-giving. It was Kate’s moment to shine, and Peggy’s moment to enjoy. I knew we’d have a chance to talk about it later.

I know it has to be a sense of accomplishment, knowing your progeny has found love. But then what? How do you trust that other person to love your child unconditionally - how do you KNOW they will bring out the best in each other?

I haven’t had a chance to talk to Peggy much since the wedding. She is still catching up on work. I look forward to spending time with her and learning about this next chapter in her life as a woman, as a grown-up, as a mother.

About Me

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I am a public relations and marketing communications consultant with more than 20 years of experience. I love working with clients who are passionate about the services or products they provide their customers. I take my work seriously, but my sense of humor keeps me from letting life get in the way of my perspective and ability to create. My latest mantra: I'm a work in progress.

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